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Pushpalal Chowk, Biratnagar
+977-21-466588, 464707

Opening Hour

Sun -Fri, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Dr. Pawan kumar Jha

Dr. Pawan kumar Jha

Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology. It is my great pleasure to serve as the Faculty Dean and be able to work with a team of academic and supporting staff who have strong commitment in education and teaching to nurture a new generation of professionals.

Our world is presently approaching a time of immense change. Societal change driven by advances in digital and ICT innovation continues at an accelerated pace and we are seeing seismic shifts that may very well overturn the foundations of our society.

The development and retention of talent to oversee AI, IoT, Big Data and security technologies, as well as the data science that underpins these technologies, is now considered a matter of urgency as we move towards realizing the government’s policy and as such strong calls are being made for universities to boost education and human resource capabilities in information-related fields. 

The Faculty offers IT and non-engineering degree programmes with applied orientation. Many of the programmes have also received professional recognition. The Faculty has produced a good number of graduates, who are contributing to the economic growth and prosperity of Nepal. Some of the graduates further their studies for a higher degree at local and overseas universities. It is evident that our graduates have received a wide variety of opportunities through the years of study and training at Faculty of Science and Technology.

In addition to equip our students with professional knowledge and practical skills, it is also our aim to equip students through the educational training with strong communication skills, problem-solving skills and professionalism appropriate for the workplace. All our programmes help students to connect to the professional bodies and the industry, enabling them to gain real-life work experience and build up network with potential employers and industry leaders.

To experience a pragmatic learning environment and prepare for your bright future, I invite you to consider choosing your programme of interest from our Faculty. Together, we contribute to the advancement of science and technology in this challenging and innovative world.

With this message, I would like to conclude by wishing each one of our students, alumni, and future students a very successful and fruitful experience together.